Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Our House Will Never Be a Home

Kring- kring  kring – kring kring the alarm clock ringing on my side, suddenly I heard my mother my voice
“ Ana, Ana wake up its already 9 am in the morning.”

Mother said, here you go again waking me up,
 its been a week since you were here coming back in Philippines bagging my whole life into disaster  

I wish you weren’t here,
I wish you wasn’t my Mother, 10 years of abandoning me?
Then suddenly you came?

What for?
Ruining my life into mess?

Knock- knock  
a sweet voice came out as the door open
“Ana, Ana my dear your late, aren’t you supposed in school by this time?’’

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  1. Ana? Where's Elsa?heheh joke.nice diay

  2. Is this a piece about family? Too lazy to read. hehe
